Friday, June 7, 2013

This blog, a note to my readers

B.R.  0.541763  ( falling behind -_- )

Wow.  When I am in my darkest time, I get feedback on this blog.  I think God's timing in interesting for sure!  I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all my readers.  When I started this blog, it was with the intent of me to journal out my thoughts in an interactive way.  I used to journal in notebooks all the time, going back to when I was in high school.  I bought four identical spiral notebooks when I was a Freshman in college.  When I filled up every page, I started this blog.  I am so glad I did it on the net and not just in a book for only me to read, it allows strangers who "stumble" upon this blog to know me and contact me personally.  That means a lot to me, it means that I am not alone, that there are others who care, who want to know me.  

It means a lot right now because my life is a mess.  I am about to switch jobs if I can get a new one!  Let's hope. I have suffered from some serious anxiety issues, just check out my bate rate!  I can't get off on things like I used to as life is just too stressful, but all that to say that things are getting better and those of you who do care, thanks for the kind thoughts.

I am running out of time!  Need to get back to work.  More to come!!

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