Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Trifecta of Pleasure and My Understanding of It

BR  0.65458.  I have masturbated 142 times in 2013.

I've come to a clearer understanding of what makes me tick, sexually speaking.  I will never be able to turn off my analytical side when it comes to this stuff, and so I've been meaning to write some more about this in the past few days.  I hate for too much time to pass and then I would have forgotten what I've discovered.

So, what is this trifecta of pleasure?  Well I will draw it out, this is my first attempt to do this on a blog, so bear with me!  Epic fail, I tried to draw it and blogger freaked out, so here is a simpler version.

Phallic Worship Fetish ----->  Masturbation Addiction Fetish

Dumbing Down Fetish -----> Masturbation Addiction Fetish

Now this is by no means comprehensive.  I do have other fetishes and desires that do not fit into this trifecta.  It would be better if I could have a third arrow for everything else, but I can't get that to work without using some kind of drawing program, which I don't have the time or patience to experiment with.

So when I go back and look at what really turns me on at my core, it is these things.  Let me go through them one by one.

Phallic Worship Fetish.  Anyone who has read my blog knows that one of my most popular posts was on Priapas Temple.  If you don't recall off hand what that is, it is a group of people who have made worshipping the phallic or penis as their prime purpose in life.  This has tied into my need to bring religion into my masturbation since religion was the main reason I was compelled to not enjoy the pleasure masturbation and orgasm can bring.  This is further enhanced by seeing rules for practice that encourages and even commands the cock worshippers to service their member for the good of themselves and the community.  It is rather more focused on group sex, orgies, circle jerks, and the like than sheer solo sexualism.  I have taken this a step further by my reading the Bible of Cock and Bible of Man that have attempted to make scripture out of the devotion and worship of cock, and in worship that means stimulation to climax.  This ties into the need to find ex-Christian groups, even Satanic communities that affirm the love of cock and its worship as yet another layer to get closer to my carnal need to reject Christianity for the sake of self-love.

As I have mentioned in past posts, this is all built on a very conservative, inflexible reading of Scripture that states that all forms of masturbation is a sin and is lust.  So of course if one rebells against this there is much pleasure to be had in doing it and your cock grows in the excitement of being released from the spiritual prison.  What is wrong with this idea is that true faith in God does allow sexual pleasure in the form of masturbation, as long as you are not lusting after another's body or making it into idol worship.  Taking phallic worship to the extreme is sin, it is replacing the one true God with one that was created by God.  The key to understand here is that God did create our penises and and He saw to it that His creation was good, read the Genesis account.  Therefore, it is not unreasonable that He created masturbation, or at he bear minimum, allowed it to be done.  There could have been so many alternatives to the human design that would have prevented the act of masturbation.  Sexual pleasure only being realized by the physical act of intercourse, perhaps by the release of some enzyme or something that would ONLY allow orgasm when in the act of sex....BUT that is NOT how we were created, now is it?  So is it so unreasonable to assume that masturbation, in its purest form, can be a Holy act unto the Lord?  I think it can be, therefore, this idea of ex-Christian masturbation is silly, and yet it is somehow ingrained into my sexual identity that there is still pleasure found in losing your faith for your cock.  I will need to focus less on this and more on the spiritual blessing of masturbation to break this connection, it is unholy for me to find pleasure in the demonic.

This phallic worship also ties into masturbation addiction, which is yet another angle.  The center of the trifecta.  But I will want to leave that aside for now to address the other side of the trifecta, dumbing down fetish.  This is a strange and complicated one to explain to anyone.  It basically comes into the idea that with the loss of intelligence, there is pleasure.  This is directly related to regression fantasies, which tie into ABDL.  I wrote a story (email me if you want the link, you have to be members of the site to see it) that dealt with this very thing.  The main character is regressed and he finds pleasure in loosing his intelligence, the more he fails, the better it feels.  The more wetting he has accidents and acts like a baby or toddler, the better he feels. And in feeling better, it means more intense and frequent orgasms, more masturbation.  Losers masturbate; boys with untied, loose sneakers, masturbate.  They are dumb and find pleasure in their stupidity.    So there is much to unpack here, a lot of tie ins with athletic gear as a means to feel like a dumb jock with a hard cock!  Wow, that rhymed!  Anyways, diapers, regression, loose athletic styled clothing all plays into the --lets get dumb and get off on getting dumb.

The problem here is not moralistic, it is practical!!   I suppose there can be an argument made for not allowing yourself to be made dumb by someone as an immoral thing, God made you to be smart, etc., but that is not the main issue.  The issue is that I don't really want to be dumb, I just like the feeling of being dumb, or being made to be dumb.  This, of course, plays out not with a phallic bible, but through hypnosis. There are actually files that play right into this very fantasy.  Smart people who are burdened with the responsibility of intelligence and wish to escape into a realm where he can exist and be simple and know only pleasure and bliss.  Whether it is a regression store or a hypnotic file, it goes deep.  So how will that work?  I don't want to be dumb, for real, that is insane and honestly not sure if it is really possible.  The key is the escape of it and the idea that the process of regressing, or getting dumb, is what is pleasurable, not the regressed state or state of less intelligence.  I am not sure where this came from, but is very real to me.

I broke down last night and bought a $10 one month subscription to warp my mind. com.  This was the only way I could get to the files I wanted to hear on the dumbing down series.  When I heard them they were so full of subliminals and aggressive speech, I realized it was dumb to listen because the hypnotizer made me feel dumb for wanting to do this in the first place!  It was not a pleasant experience, and it made me realize that I want the experience to be pleasurable.  That is why I liked the "Pleasurable Dumbness" file much better as it was pleasant and comfy to listen to, I liked how it sounded, it made me relax and didn't put me on edge or worse fear that I was really loosing my intelligence.

So that leaves the last-addiction.  Addiction is in the center because as the old adage goes, all roads lead to Rome.  In this case, all forms of fetishism leads to addiction.  But addiction is not an annoying byproduct of indulgence into other fetishes, it is the goal.  I read blogs about getting addicted and I find them arousing and often masturbate to them--not images, the words alone of an addicted bater is enough.  This ties into to the dumbing down as the addiction itself is the form of escapism from the responsibilities of abstinence.  It is a pleasurable road in its own right, the more you masturbate, the better it gets, the more addicted you are, the more happy you will be.  It is that idea that really turns me on, you see that all over Bateworld.  It is surprising, though, how little all of this leads to porn.  I have been moving away from sheer porn for more of these complex ideas, not sure why.

So that is it, that is my trifecta.  As to what it all means, I don't know.  I am just here now trying to describe and analyze, but not explain.  I will say this, that there dosn't seem to be much more to explore for any of these areas and that has been my focus, explore and exploit, get addicted and enjoy it all.  More to come....until then bate on everyone!

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