Sunday, March 31, 2013

Updates and Other Stuff

BR:  0.52328

I had a real hard to trying to figure out what the title this post.  Was tempted to use some form of "masturbation" or "pleasure", just to attract more viewers, but then thought better of that.  The truth is masturbation is again on my mind, as always, when is it not, right?  I think a lot of it has to do with my new goal of getting up to 70% by 12/31/13, which I seem to be exceeding at the moment and account of some very seductive hypnosis!  Don't worry, I'm not wholly addicted to my penis, yet... ;-)

I think some of this new freedom relates to me coming out, see my past post.  Now that I have gotten that out of the way and have received some affirmation about it I feel more freedom to explore my darker side.  I mean, a masturbation addiction is not that bad, right?  I mean, you get the pleasure for free and its my penis, so I can touch it as much as I like to, as long as I keep to my other obligations.  I think for me, that is where the line is to when this is no longer a game, but becoming something more serious.  As of now, I find it manageable and, dare I say?  fun!

Sorry for the short post, but that is all I have for now.  My coming out to my brother and sister is going well, feel free to PM me if you want more details!  Until then, bate on!!

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