Monday, January 5, 2015

More Thoughts on Being Dumb

So I must be on some kind of record here for the most posts in such a short period, I love that I can always come back to my blog as my personal security blanket of reflection.  You see why I can't dumb down?  If I did all my writing would be.  hey sup guyz, tis is awsum...luv be dum.   It would shock some of you, and it rightfully so.  What a decent into academic regression, I would have betrayed Mrs. Bolton, my special education teacher, who worked so many long hours on my spelling, not to mention all of the other teachers and mentors, college professors and guides, and my parents, who have been besides me in my academic career.  Who PAID probably close to $100,000 to put me through college.  I have landed a great job, its stressful, but it's a great place to be in my profession, doing what I love.  Would I give all that up so I could be hard and mindless.

Bit, none of these practical matters are enough to take away the desire I have to feel the pleasure of mental regression.  I think I will experiment with  some of the temporary files, if I can truly deem them as safe, but that is as far as I will go with this.  I felt weird last night, reading the posts of at least three people who started out normal and articulate, regressed is dum dum hehe felz gud..... to....nothing, yes, they stop posting at all, because they kept coming back to the files, for the effect, as they are addictive, and they kept taking more and more away from these people that there is nothing left, at least as far as their web presence, who knows how they are carrying on in real life.  Maybe this is only writing, but in one case the grammar and spelling errors were so profound, I would guess he was at about a 2nd or 3rd grade level.  And on several levels, writing reading and vocabulary comprehension.  Now he may have not been Einstein to start this, but that kind of drop was sobering, after I came I realized these people are effectively ruined.   They have no sense of duty, or gratitude and respect to those who spent at least 12 years or more educating them.  They seemed to have no ambition and sadly no sense of hope.  It is like seeing someone get onto drugs, turn into a drug addict, and you see their life turn into mush.  I get that its a turn on, I really do get it, I am there, but to make on fetish control and overshadow your whole life?  That seems extreme.

All this to say I felt sick at the end of the evening, wondering how these files can be legal, but then again there is no law that says you can't be stupid, only the Darwin Awards!!    More later.

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