Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fuzzy Dumbness Update

Ok, so I have finally gotten through reading all 42 pages of the thread I was reading on Warp My Mind, did I mention I was reading a thread last time?  Well I have read it and I think I went through some kind of self hypnosis of some kind.  I did briefly listen to one file, but I know it was not nearly enough to make an impact, it was for only 30 seconds or something.  I did cum to it though, maybe that was enough?  I don't know.  I do think that the content of this particular thread was enough to put me into a trance, all pleasure is dumbness and dumbness is pleasure.  The more dumb people posted, the better it seemed, and I kept on this cycle until I went to yoga today and that sort of snapped me out of it for the time being.  I did notice that I was unable to recall who Catherine of Aragon was, I kept thinking her name was Mary, or something, and I knew it was wrong, but as hard as I tried, I could not recall the name.  This is not some obscure fact for me, I watch documentaries on British history and read books about Henry VIII.  Hell, I watched The Tutors, for crying out loud!  One of the first things that happens is your brain sheds what it considers "useless knowledge".  I was in a fuzzy brain state for a while.

I read some of the posts be site members who seemed the most committed and affected by the files, and I have confirmed that indeed one of them, the more severe case, has stayed dumb, and has really turned into a different person as a result of the files.  It is real, it is scary. But because it is real and scary, it is hotter than anything.  No longer is my regression thoughts mere fantasies, it can be seen in real people who have literally regressed their intelligence and they find pleasure in it.  It truly does feel good to be dumb.

So where do I sit in all of this?  I know that I cannot do this for one.  I love to write!  Can you tell yet?  I write stories, even a full novel I care about, that I want to get published!  I love my job, which, you guessed it, involves a lot of writing and organization, and keeping track of things, a lot of important things.  Getting dumb will just get me in trouble and then I would possibly get fired for it, it just does not make much long term sense to me.  Finally, since I have dyslexia and was held back a year, I did kindergarten twice (yes I am so dumb I failed kindergarten).  I don't tell a lot of people that as I get ashamed about it.  But anyways, I have worked my butt off to try to catch up in middle school and high school, and I got a master's degree!  I did it, I won, I am smart.....but apparently with an average IQ, but these tests are not comprehensive.  So all of this adds up to a need to be smart because I have earned it, I know that if I do these files my IQ would be in the 80s, I don't have far to drop.  I will hold on and watch from a distance and do files that have no lasting effects.

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